Barbara Doux is a French filmmaker who became a Wing Chun martial artist solely to become a better photographer, bungee jumped as a therapy to conquer anxiety, took two yoga teacher training’s in India to overcome depression, and manifested a dream gig as an assistant photographing 3 continents in 30 days. Barbara has been searching her entire life to find her voice, she suspects developed into a recent bout with stage 4 throat (thyroid) cancer, which she was ultimately successful in treating.

Barbara accepted Jaymee’s invitation to be a guest on this show solely on the strength of her belief that Jaymee could be someone to help find her voice and bring about healing. This is the first time she has shared her story publicly, which is jam packed with story after story of how to overcome adversity, create a dream life of creativity with no connections or easy ways in, and how to take calculated risks in business and in travel and stay alive.


A young, independent woman (Barbara Doux) decides to leave everything behind to return to her homeland. She travels in her converted van to draw a geographic heart as a symbol of reconciliation with her roots after many years of feeling alienated from her French culture and family.

She sets out to interview strangers through France to find fragments of herself in every new meeting. All the while, she’d dive into compelling conversations about what it means to live life to the fullest, accepting the inevitability of death, finding love, letting go of unhealthy relationships, and learning how to forgive and accept others, and especially yourself.

Like famous French author Jules Verne, she sets off on an 80-day adventure which takes her to undiscovered places—open seas, thriving cities, late-night raves, the quiet wilderness, kayaking down lazy rivers, sleeping in tents, yurts, houses, and her camper van.


50mins screening + Q&A with the filmmaker

SUNDAY 12th of MAY at 7pm
at Greater Goods
donation at the door

145 W El Roblar Drive, Ojai, California 93023

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